The property is located on Portobello Road, also having frontage onto Penshaw Way, with this being part of the wider Portobello Industrial Estate. The Estate is considered a strategic location having quick and easy access to the A1(M) as well as A194(M). The Estate is an improving mixed use industrial estate, the property has good access and is prominent, situated opposite a newly built industrial park. Newcastle City Centre is approximately 12.4 miles from the site, with Durham being 9.8 miles to the south and Sunderland 10.9 miles to the east.
We understand the property benefits from mains supplies of electricity and water. Gas is supplied via on-site gas tanks. Interested parties are invited to make their own enquires in this respect.
The property has been measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice (6th Edition). For detailed measurements, view our brochure.