Kaplan Letting – West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne
Bowesfield Investments Limited, part of the Mandale Group, and storeys:ssp have agreed another letting at the flagship office development, West One on Forth Banks, Newcastle upon Tyne. A letting of 4,033 sq.ft. (374.68 sq.m.) has now been completed to Kaplan Financial Limited at a headline rent of £15 per sq.ft. Kaplan join other occupiers in the building including Balfour Beatty, Hempsons Solicitors and NEA.
Neil Osborne, Director at storeys:ssp commented:
West One has continued to successfully let through the difficult market conditions of the last two years. Of just under 44,000 sqft. available in this development we now have 3 suites available; these are 11,000 sq ft, 1000 sq ft and a 1700 sq ft. Joe Darragh says we believe it’s our approach to occupiers and the fitting-out that we do for companies to assist in their move which makes our developments so popular. West One is particularly attractive to tenants because it offers Grade A accommodation within walking distance of the City Centre. Generous on-site parking provisions provided directly below the office accommodation is available on flexible terms at reasonable rents.
Bowesfield Investments Limited were represented by Storeys and King Sturge (Jones Lang La Salle) and Kaplan Financial Limited represented themselves.